Psychedelics helped George heal from multiple sclerosis
Chronic Illness, Multiple Sclerosis, Psilocybin Mushrooms

Psychedelics helped me heal from Multiple Sclerosis (MS) || George Duncan

Summary of George's Experience

George has been able to heal himself from Multiple Sclerosis and he credits psychedelics as being a big part of his recovery. We met with George in Port Angeles, Washington to capture this on video to share!

George, from Port Angeles, Washington, shares his experience with using plant medicines and psychedelics to combat primary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) since his diagnosis in October 2013. He discusses the benefits of Lion’s Mane mushroom and microdosing psychedelics in reducing inflammation and healing emotional trauma. Regular use of these treatments has stopped the growth of lesions in his brain, leading to remission and significant improvement in his quality of life. George highlights the role of emotional healing and homeostasis in managing chronic illness and encourages individuals with MS to consider these alternative treatments.

I had a lesion burden of ten cubic centimeters
and it was arrested almost instantaneously
with hypnosis
and psychedelic journeys
and then incorporating
things like Lion’s Mane
into my diet

-George Duncan

Watch: Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis: A Psychedelic Healing Success Story

How has plant medicine helped you with treating Multiple Sclerosis (MS)?

I’m George. I’m from Port Angeles. Washington. Just moved back here to my hometown. I’m diagnosed with primary progressive multiple sclerosis. I had my diagnosis in October of 2013, and it’s helped me massively with it. Lion’s mane, for one. From studies I saw how it was able to heal the central nervous system. And psychedelics have a huge part of that too. 

Even with Microdosing, my visual acuity will dramatically increase most of the day. And as far as I’m lowering my baseline inflammation and healing from emotional trauma, which has been the largest part of my healing. Microdosing is definitely part of that equation.

What have doctors seen on your latest brain scans?

So when it comes to emotional healing, bringing our body into a state of homeostasis, it arrests chronic illness. And with me, I had a lesion burden of ten cubic centimeters and it was arrested almost instantaneously with hypnosis and psychedelic journeys and things, and then incorporating things like Lion’s Mane into my diet and having that as a regular part of it.

I have growth in my left lobe of the amygdala, significant growth in my hippocampus and the lesions have completely stopped. I’m in complete remission from M.S. and I’m improving. I was walking with a cane only two years ago. Now I’m free of it. 

What are the differences in microdosing and macrodosing psilocybin mushrooms

So the microdosing is huge for, you know, healing over a long period of time. You’re going to need to do something consistently. But as far as accessing the healing trauma, that puts you into a state where you can do that is very helpful in my experience. Microdosing seems to be kind of the slow burn of the daily health thing. And the big things have been the hypnosis journeys and the psychedelic experiences, you know, the hero’s journey. 

What can you say to people with MS considering psychedelics

If you look at the medications they used to change the course of the disease or flare ups and everything, one of them is using steroids. And that has to do with stress hormones getting in the patient and getting into a state of homeostasis as quickly as humanly possible is huge. And repressing the other systems in the body I don’t think is terribly helpful. What does your gut tell you about it?

How have psychedelics changed your quality of life?

Oh, it’s massively improved my quality of life. I was with my diagnosis. I was told what the course of my disease would be and the early, early stages were very much in line with that. And I wasn’t willing to accept that and went a different route with it. And I’m really glad I did. If I feel that if I hadn’t, I probably would have gone with whatever diagnosis was given to me with the prognosis and headed down that path.

Can you summarize your overall health plan?

Get into a state of emotional health. That’s huge and macro dosing, you know, doing something where you can have that catharsis or spiritual experience, that really transformative healing. And then have things in your daily life with diet and being open minded to new things and trying them.

What is your relationship to unhealed trauma?

That was the trigger for a lot of things in my life. It triggered my chronic illness of MS and also my substance use disorder was based in unhealed trauma. And so anything I could do to pull that up by the roots, deal with it and put it in the past. Now, those memories of the past don’t have that same emotional attachment with them. And so I’m not in a constant inflamed state anymore. So a lot more chill these days.

On psychedelics helping with addiction

Bill Wilson,  the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous.  He basically turned it over to the people of AA, But he was basically drummed out because he was  experimenting with LSD, with Aldous Huxley.  There was something to it.  There is always that  thing in the pit of his gut that he was trying to get to and he was getting there with it.

His experience from Townes Hospital was kind of waning and he wanted to bring that back. Because, you know, you have that  profound  spiritual experience but also that  emotional experience. And then you have a catharsis and then that part is healed in you. And that’s something that was part of our regular that heals those things from our youth, you know, that catharsis that we need once in a while, you know.

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